Life has just brought us the opportunity to celebrate 10 years of Delaphine not only once but twice!!
After the super all nighter feast with S.A.M.-s last minute secret backup Danish wizard C.K., we finally found the replacement date for the much awaited original 2 player setup. Can't describe how exhilarated we are for the upcoming really exceptional musical lesson.. For the few might be unfamilar with Matts legacy, he played an enermous role in the education of dancefloor crowds around the world and luckily in Hungary as well since the mid 2000's, delivering countless beautiful and filthy moments for several generations of music enthusiasts. And here come the stars align, turns out that he is one of the true masters of our best and most loved international artist S.A.M. Joining for an all night long b2b. Bring your textbooks and just drop them on the floor.